"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
(Homemade Beeswax Wraps Recipe toward bottom!)
Going green can be overwhelming or seem like an impossible task; but there are small steps you can take to get there. One of those steps is making your home more environmentally friendly. We are here to share simple cleaning recipes and other little things you can do to reduce your waste and purge the toxins in your home. Most conventional cleaning products are not only bad for your health, but they hurt the environment as well. Many homemade cleaners can be made from ingredients you probably already have in your cupboards, and you don't have to worry about your pets or children being exposed to them! Things like vinegar and hydrogen peroxide kill germs without releasing toxic chemicals into the air. You can find a variety of recipes online, but we've included a couple simple ones for you to start with.
All Purpose Cleaner:
No need to wear a mask or rubber gloves with this cleaner, just spray and wipe!
1/4 cup of white vinegar
1 3/4 cups water
20-30 drops of essential oils (lavender, lemon, and grapefruit)
1 cup of water
2 tsp Castile Soap
20 drops of essential oils (tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon)
Combine all ingredients into a 16 oz spray bottle
Shake well, spray, and wipe!

Soft Scrub Cleaner
Baking Soda is a great ingredient for scouring and deodorizing.
3/4 cup Baking Soda
2 tablespoons of Castile Soap
1 tablespoon of Vinegar
Just enough water to form a paste
10 drops of Citrus Essential Oil (Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon, or Lime)
In a bowl, combine Baking Soda, Castile Soap, Essential Oils, and Vinegar.
Add in water a little at a time, stir until a paste is formed.
Store in an airtight container.
To Use:
Apply to surface, let sit for 5-10 minutes and then scrub. Wipe with a wet cloth to finish.
Here are some other simple tips on how you can make your house more eco-friendly:
- Use washable rags to wash dishes, clean, and dust
- Buy reusable or paper sandwich bags for storage
- Use cloth napkins in place of paper towels
- Get a set of wool dryer balls instead of dryer sheets
- Turn off the lights when you leave a room
- Line dry your clothes
- Collect rainwater to water your indoor plants and garden
- Replace plastic wrap with homemade Beeswax Wraps (instructions below)
Beeswax Wraps
Step 1. Gather all of your materials. You will need: an iron, white beeswax, pinking shears, parchment paper and your favorite cotton fabric (we used half a yard).

Step 2. Use the pinking shears to cut off the edge of the edge of your fabric. Save this for later use.

Step 3. Gather two pieces of parchment paper, roughly the same size.

Step 4. Cut your fabric to be slightly smaller than the parchment paper you are using. You will need two pieces of the same sized fabric.

Step 5. Place your parchment paper on a heat-safe surface and put your fabric on top, cutting the rest of the edges with the pinking shears.

Step 6. Place your first piece of fabric, pattern side down onto the parchment paper.

Step 7. Distribute the white beeswax beads evenly onto the fabric until it is covered.

Step 8. Place the second piece of fabric (pattern side up) on top of the beeswax. It is better if they are about the same size of fabric!

Step 9. Cover the fabric and beeswax sandwich with the second piece of parchment paper.

Step 10. Begin to iron the parchment paper to melt the beeswax.

Step 11. You should see the beeswax start to melt through to the parchment paper on top. Continue this until all of the beeswax is melted.

Step 12. Peel the two pieces of fabric apart and peel them off of the parchment paper. Allow adequate dry time before use.

Step 13. Once dry, wrap up your favorite snack or sandwich with your new reusable beeswax paper! Simply rinse with soap and warm water when dirty and let dry before reuse. Use the fabric from Step 2 for a reusable ties to keep your snacks safe!

There are so many things we as individuals can do to protect the Nature we love and it starts with simple choices. Begin with one change, like using reusable grocery bags and add to it when you are ready. Switch to green cleaners, wash your clothes in cold water, recycle, compost, or whatever else you find you can do. When each of us makes small changes, it adds up in the end; making the future of our environment a bit brighter for our children.
Happy Earth Day!!

Posted October 28, 2019 by Anonymous
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Posted March 10, 2021 by thoubwcjfl
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